Category Archives: News

Polka Travel among recommended ITCs

Polka Travel is a boutique agency and a passion project of two travellers, a philologist and a culture studies graduate who have been connected with the tourism industry for 25 years. Both show great enthusiasm for showcasing the enchanting and astounding side of Poland seen from a local and fresh perspective. In 2020 they launched a brand-new project, the WOWland portal presenting Poland’s most magnificent and intriguing regions along with their less-known advantages, such as the exceptional flavours of Polish cuisine.

Adopting a human-centred approach, we create itineraries off the beaten track to explore local traditions. The trips we stage are intended to pass on our love of good food, wine, literature and the surrounding nature. The scope of our offer includes food tourism, enotourism and programmes aimed at women”, explains Majka Szura, one of Polka Travel’s owners.

Polka Travel also joined the Tourist Voucher project and its owners are known as long-time active members of industry associations, such as SITE Poland and SOIT. In 2020 they took part in fam trips staged by the Poland Convention Bureau unit of Polish Tourism Organisation (Polska Organizacja Turystyczna – POT) and act as great ambassadors of Poland both at home and worldwide.

The recommendations awarded by the President of POT are available for businesses specialising in event planning and organisation, boasting appropriate corresponding experience, technical facilities and a trained team of employees making it possible to fully implement a congress or an incentive programme.

The recommended companies can rely on active promotion through PCB POT’s actions, such as information in promotional brochures and presentations for foreign organisers, websites (including Poland Online Site Inspection) and social media. In addition, the organisers in question are invited to join undertakings arranged by POT, such as presentations, international trade shows, fam trips, workshops and training sessions.
Visit for the latest list of recommended congress and incentive travel organisers and terms and conditions of the project.

SOIT’s position regarding the situation on the incentive travel market with respect to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak

In the light of official and media information surfacing about COVID-19 (pneumonia caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2), we would like to present our position regarding the matter.

(4th of March 2020)

Firstly, bearing full responsibility, we would like to inform you that SOIT members have been paying particular attention to the safety of the people participating in their travels as well as those responsible for travel organisation.

, at present, the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) have yet to issue recommendations indicating the need to reduce tourism flows or discouraging tourists from visiting the countries with ongoing coronavirus transmission. As reported on 29 February 2020, WHO does not recommend any travel or trade restrictions based on the currently available information. WHO is working closely with global experts, governments and partners in order to rapidly expand the scientific knowledge about the new virus, to track the spread and virulence of the virus, and to advise countries and the global community on health measures and prevention of the spread of this outbreak.

, with the exception of a few strictly identified areas*, Polish authorities have not informed of any necessary restrictions as regards travelling abroad. When issuing travel warnings related to epidemiological risks, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MSZ) has relied on the travel advice of the Chief Sanitary Inspector (GIS) based on ECDC and WHO data. However, GIS advice is clearly of an advisory nature and does not impose any specific behaviour. The phrase they have used is as follows: “GIS does not recommend travelling (…).” Furthermore, in the case of certain destinations, this recommendation does not explicitly apply to the entire country, but rather to selected regions.

, considering the above, we would like to inform you that, with regard to package travel contracts within the meaning of the Package Travel and Related Tourist Services Act (consolidated text Dz. U. – Journal of Laws of 2019 sec. 548 as amended), in the light of the information available to us, in principle there are no grounds for cost-free cancellation (except for the places listed above in footnote no. 1). Withdrawal from a contract before a package travel starts without having to pay a withdrawal fee pursuant to Article 47(4) of the Package Travel and Related Tourist Services Act of 24 November 2017 is possible if unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances significantly affect the package travel or the transport of people at the point of destination or in its immediate vicinity. Otherwise, a cost-free withdrawal is not applicable under this particular provision.  According to the information received from our members, such circumstances do not occur in the case of package travels organised by them.

In particular, we would like to point out that, based on official advice we receive from e.g. the Italian regional authorities, the provision of services in valleys of the Alps is uninterrupted. Hotels, restaurants and ski lifts operate as usual. Furthermore, the National Consultant on Communicable Diseases has reported that there are no reasons to give up this type of ski travels. Similarly, SOIT members who are currently implementing incentive projects or are travelling in the South-East Asia region monitor the situation in particular destinations on an ongoing basis, and provide information to the Association and other member agencies. The vast majority of incentive travels to South East Asia (excluding China, Iran and South Korea) are on schedule.

We would like to emphasise that this assessment and practice are consistent with the assessment and practice of industry organisations and entrepreneurs from other EU countries.

, due to the lack of possibility of cost-free cancellation within the indicated scope, customer’s withdrawal from a contract in these circumstances is possible on terms and conditions specified in the contract (cancellation), which provide for the need to bear contractual costs of the cancellation.
However, if you intend to make such a decision, we recommend that you always consult your tour operator in advance (also if you intend to postpone the travel).

we would like to inform you that we are constantly monitoring the situation in the places associated with our travels, and that members of our organisation will take appropriate actions in good faith according to the existing circumstances. For the time being, we only recommend influenza vaccinations due to the high activity of seasonal influenza, as per relevant national and international recommendations.

, SOIT recommends that travel decisions should be based on facts originating from official and trusted sources. We notice that surfacing media reports do not always reflect the actual safety of travel.


We hope that the above explanations will dispel any doubts you may have in connection with the travels organised by members of our organisation.

Prepared by:
of the Polish Association of Incentive Travel Organisers

*Apart from the territory of Hubei, China, in the case of which MSZ advises against any travel to the province of Hubei, and 11 municipalities in Italy quarantined by the Italian authorities (in the Lombardy region: Codogno, Castiglione d’Adda, Casalpusterlengo, Fombio, Maleo, Somaglia, Bertonico, Terranova dei Passerini, Castelgerundo, San Fiorano; in the Veneto region: Vo’ Euganeo (Padua)), in the case of which MSZ informs that no travel is possible, the Ministry does not determine any necessary travel restrictions. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also issued warnings in relation to the growing epidemiological threat of SARS-CoV-2, and recommends avoiding unnecessary travel (including tourist travels) throughout Iran, particularly the city of Qom. MSZ advises against unnecessary travel to the city of Daegu and to the Cheongdo County in the North Gyeongsang Province where the vast majority of 2019-nCoV coronavirus infections in South Korea have occurred.



New SOIT Authorities. New strategy

On 7 January 2020, the General Meeting of SOIT Members took place, which summarised two years of activity and elected the Association Authorities for the term of office in 2020-2021.

For SOIT (Polish Association of Incentive Travel Organisers), 2019 was a time of summaries, intensive activities and exceptional events on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of business. SOIT published the results of the SOIT Barometer – the first incentive market research in Poland, co-coordinated Meetings Week Poland 2019, organised the first integration event for owners and employees of member agencies – “SOIT on the Wave” and initiated a series of “SOIT Talks” meetings, which are a platform for sharing knowledge incentive agency owners. The final event of the year was the Columbus Day Gala, during which the 10th anniversary of SOIT was celebrated and a record amount of PLN 73,494 was raised for charity during an auction.

“I am proud of SOIT and what we have achieved in recent years. Personally, I think that the biggest success of our association is the prevailing relationships and friendly atmosphere inside, thanks to which we are able to achieve more and more. I would like to thank the Management Board for a fantastic cooperation”, Sebastian Słoniewski summarises his 2-year term of office and a total of 4 years of work for SOIT.

The Management Board of the 2018-2019 term of office also included: Łukasz Adamowicz (Grupa BFC), Joanna Jabłońska (Activezone), Grażyna Grot-Duziak (Weco Travel).

The General Meeting of Members elected the new SOIT Authorities for another two-year term of 2020-2021. Olga Krzemińska-Zasadzka (Managing Director of the Power Agency) became the President of the SOIT Board. Łukasz Adamowicz (vice president of the BFC Group) and Krzysztof Pobożniak (president of Haxel Events & Incentive) will be the vice president. The board also includes Agnieszka Słowik (President, Flower Travel) and Anna Zowczak (president of the Motivoscope Agency). The General Meeting of Members also elected members of the Ethics Committee and the Audit Committee.

“I decided to run for the SOIT Board because I fully agree with the Association’s values, principles and mission. I think that the huge success of SOIT is that we managed to create friendly relations, speak in one voice on important issues, boldly make key decisions, and above all effectively implement our plans and assumptions. I believe that together we can build a positive image of the industry and successfully work to promote incentive travel as a strong and effective business tool. We will strengthen cooperation with current SOIT Partners, and we are also open to new Partners and new industry initiatives”  summarises Olga Krzemińska-Zasadzka, President of the SOIT Board.

In September 2019, SOIT members adopted the Association’s new strategy for 2020-2021. Priority actions were selected related to building the future of SOIT, activity for organisations, member companies and their employees, and for the MICE market. The newly elected SOIT Management Board will soon be preparing an action plan as part of the agreed development strategy.

“We plan to focus on those activities that support the business and build competitive advantage of member agencies, but will also develop the entire incentive travel market. We plan to continue promoting the best tender standards as part of the Good Tender project. We are also open to accept new members – effective and ethical incentive agencies. “- reports Łukasz Adamowicz, Vice President of the SOIT Board.

“We will place a lot of emphasis on developing the Polish incentive travel market research, namely the SOIT Barometer, as well as calculating the value of the incentive agency’s work. We see these tools and projects as key to the development of the SOIT agency and the entire market. We also hope for fruitful cooperation with other organisations as part of our development strategy”, adds Krzysztof Pobożniak, Vice President of the SOIT Board.

Within the strategic areas there were also educational and informational activities for members, employees and clients, development of Events organized by SOIT, such as Columbus Day or SOIT Talks, as well as creation of new initiatives pursuing SOIT’s statutory objectives.

Currently SOIT has 28 regular members representing 24 professional incentive travel agencies: Activezone, Air Tours Club, Businessman Fun Club, Conqueror Travel Club, eTravel, Flower Travel, Grupa TSO, Haxel Events & Incentive, Incentive Care, InDreams, Margot Travel, Mazurkas Travel, Motivoscope, NU Horizons, OBP Incentive & Sport Travel, Polka Travel, Power, Pracownia Przygód, Rival Group, Top Travel Incentives & Holidays, Travel Concierge, United Partners, Viventum, Weco Travel Services.

The General Meeting was held on 7 January 2020 at the MsMermaid Conference Center in Warsaw.

Composition of the newly elected SOIT authorities:

SOIT Board 2020-2021

1) Olga Krzemińska-Zasadzka – President of the SOIT Board

2) Łukasz Adamowicz – Vice President of the SOIT Board

3) Krzysztof Pobożniak – Vice President of the SOIT Board

4) Agnieszka Słowik – Member of the SOIT Board

5) Anna Zowczak – Member of the SOIT Board


Audit Committee 2020-2021

1) Agata Gościńska

2) Andrzej Hulewicz

3) Sebastian Słoniewski


Ethics Committee2020-2021

1) Edyta Jabłońska-Hulimka

2) Joanna Jabłońska

3) Mikołaj Jeżak

4) Agnieszka Lewandowska

5) Liwiusz Misiaszek

6) Sylwia Sadoch

7) Maria Szura

Premiera pierwszego badania polskiego rynku incentive travel – Barometr SOIT

Barometr SOIT to pierwsza i jedyna w Polsce inicjatywa podejmująca wyzwanie zmierzenia polskiego rynku podróży motywacyjnych. Stowarzyszenie Organizatorów Incentive Travel od 2014 roku systematycznie przeprowadza badanie Barometru wśród swoich członków. Pomiary za lata 2017-2019 przeprowadziła certyfikowana agencja ABR SESTA, która również opracowała kompleksowy raport obejmujący badania
z poprzednich lat. Premiera Barometru SOIT odbyła się 28 maja w Warszawie.

Po raz pierwszy badanie przeprowadzone zostało w grudniu 2014 roku. Prezentowany podczas konferencji prasowej raport obejmuje pomiary za lata 2015-2018 oraz prognozę na 2019 rok.

Badanie wykazało, że członkowie SOIT w 2018 roku zorganizowali 646 wyjazdów, a wg prognozy liczba ta w 2019 roku wzrośnie do 695, czyli ponad 30 wyjazdów rocznie na agencję. Największą popularnością wciąż cieszą się wyjazdy do krajów europejskich, choć z roku na rok ich udział maleje na rzecz wyjazdów na inne kontynenty. Szacuje się, że w 2019 roku aż 13 podróży odbędzie się poza Europę – te zaś w 95% posiadają budżet powyżej 8000 zł na osobę.

Prognozowany jest również wzrost średniej liczebności grupy do 43 osób w 2019 roku, co oznacza, że firmy zrzeszone w SOIT obsłużą łącznie 37 423 klientów. Wiąże się to oczywiście ze wzrostem obrotów do poziomu 224 milionów złotych.


BAROMETR SOIT 2014 – 2018

  • Badanie wykonywane było przez 5 lat z rzędu wśród członków SOIT
  • Prezentujemy część badania jaką SOIT zdecydował się udostępniać prasie i wybranym agencjom
  • Dane pochodzą z ponad 91% zrzeszonych agencji SOIT
  • Dane za 2017 i 2018 rok oraz prognoza na 2019 rok zostały przeprowadzone przez certyfikowaną Agencję ABR SESTA

Liczba wyjazdów:

  • Członkowie SOIT w 2018 r zorganizowali 646 wyjazdów. W prognozie deklarują realizację 695 wyjazdów w 2019 r.
  • Blisko 70% członków SOIT deklaruje realizacje ponad 30 wyjazdów średniorocznie w 2019 r
  • Średnia liczba zrealizowanych wyjazdów w 2018 r dla Agencji SOIT wyniosła 29.
  • Średnia liczba prognozowanych na 2019 rok wyjazdów dla Agencji SOIT wynosi 31.

Średnie budżety wyjazdów:

  • 65% wyjazdów europejskich w 2017 roku miało budżet powyżej 5000 PLN
  • 70% wyjazdów europejskich w 2018 roku miało budżet powyżej 5000 PLN
  • 95 % wyjazdów pozaeuropejskich w 2018 r posiadało budżet powyżej 8000 PLN
  • 45 % wyjazdów pozaeuropejskich w 2018 r posiadało budżet powyżej 10000 PLN

Długość wyjazdów:

  • Średni czas trwania wyjazdów w Europie od 2017 r wzrósł z 3 do 4 dni
  • Średni czas trwania wyjazdów pozaeuropejskich od 2017 r zmalał z 8 do 7 dni i ta tendencja będzie utrzymywać się w 2019 roku.
  • 65% firm wskazuje średni czas trwania procesu przetargowego na powyżej 4 tygodnie

Liczba uczestników:

  • Średnia liczebność grupy realizowana przez firmy zrzeszone w SOIT wyniosła w 2018 roku 42 osoby. Prognozowany jest wzrost do 43 osób w 2019 roku.
  • W 2017 r firmy SOIT obsłużyły – 39.414 osób
  • W 2018 r firmy SOIT obsłużyły – 362 osób
  • Prognoza 2019 rok – 37.423 osób


  • Obroty firm SOIT z wyjazdów incentive wyniosły w 2018 r 213.400.000 zł. W 2019 r. szacujemy wzrost tego obrotu do 224.400.000 zł
  • Szacowana wielkość rynku wyjazdów incentive w 2018r. to 652.914.652 zł wobec 695.721.393 zł w 2017r.


  • Nastroje właścicieli i kadry zarządzającej w 2018r. wyniosły w skali 0-10 wynosił 6,7
  • 50% firm SOIT prognozuje wzrost liczby zapytań, jednocześnie jedynie 10 % firm prognozuje spadek tej liczby w 2019 r.

Incentive on the world’s largest passenger ship

Is it possible to visit five destinations in different countries, live in a luxurious hotel, enjoy cultural and entertainment attractions every day, and all of this without losing precious time for transfers? The members of SOIT took part in a fam-trip on a luxurious ship Symphony of the Seas.

The members of SOIT, owners and managers of the biggest incentive travel companies on the Polish market, are often invited to unique training and fam-trips. In September, Royal Caribbean company, the largest operator of passenger ships, organised a fam-trip on the ship Symphony of the Seas exclusively for the members of SOIT. The route went from Barcelona, via Majorca, Marseilles, La Spezia to Civitavecchia (Rome).

“The joint-cruise was not only an interesting form of presenting the offer targeted by the organiser to our clients, but it was also an occasion to a joint exchange of experiences and to hold talks concerning the market and incentive travel services. The members of SOIT have taken care for top quality of services for years, therefore we still search for new, unique solutions and ideas, the quality of which is checked by us personally” – said X.

Symphony of the Seas is the newest and the largest passenger ship in the world, put to sea in March 2018. It is 18 storeys high and has 2775 luxurious cabins. It can take 5402 passengers and 2115 crew members on board. For even greater comfort of the most demanding clients, on the ship there are 20 restaurants, 4 swimming pools, 10 jacuzzi, simulator for windsurfing enthusiasts, the ice rink, a theatre, a bar with drinks prepared by robots and the water slide which is the highest on the sea, which has the height of 10 storeys.

The cruise’s specificity consists in the fact that during one voyage it enables to visit several destinations, which is a very attractive option for incentive groups. The members of SOIT had the opportunity to get to know the charms of Palma de Mallorca port, visit the old town of Marseilles on the coast of Provence or admire embedded in the rocks Italian towns of Clinque Terre, entered into the world heritage list UNESCO for their panoramic qualities. The final element of the fam-trip was walking around ever-fascinating Rome.

These are only a few attractions that will enrich a journey of the most demanding groups.

Activezone plans further development and changes its legal form of operation

After 15 years of presence on the market Activezone agency introduces significant changes in its operation. Due to the increase in turnover and signing contracts for a number of year-round services for corporate customers, the agency decided to transform its legal form – from a civil partnership to a limited liability company sp.k. The transformation was completed in October 2017. Joanna Jabłońska became the Managing Director of the company and Marcin Łukaszewicz became the Director of Sales and Marketing. Both of them belong to the Activezone Management Board.

Another big change is the transfer of the office from Falenty near Warsaw to the Warsaw district of Mokotów. “Although several people work online, thanks to the new headquarters the majority of the team can work together now. Traditional solutions have their advantages, and the “brainstorming” generates genuine and original ideas.”- emphasizes Joanna Jabłońska.

The company wants to stand up for tradition combined with innovation. To take care of the traditional approach to the customer with personalized, dedicated contact, which the company wants to mix with modern channels of service for events and entertainments. “So that customers feel personally well-cared-for and have the most important information at their fingertips, available anytime, day or night. Currently, all projects are carried out in the CRM system, so the agency controls the course of preparation and implementation on an on-going basis.”- explains Joanna Jabłońska.

Moreover, Activezone will still continue its involvement in CSR projects prepared for customers. The agency also runs a charity – with each completed project it forwards support for selected animal shelters and regularly participates in charity auctions during Columbus Day.

Furthermore, the Agency plans to increase its involvement in the incentive travel industry. Activezone became a supporting member of SOIT in January 2014 and is represented in the Association by Joanna Jabłońska and Marcin Lukaszewicz. Since January 2018 Joanna Jabłońska – the Managing Director Activezone – acts as the Vice President of SOIT.

New SOIT Management. Second term of office for Sebastian Słoniewski.

On 9 January 2018, SOIT Members held a General Assembly during which they reviewed the last two years of activity and elected the Association’s Management Board for the 2018-2019 term.

The start of the new year for SOIT is a time of insightful reviews and conclusions for the next years of operation. The last two years were a period of deep internal changes, exceptional activities and new initiatives for the Association. The changes were part of the Association’s strategy and were aimed at strengthening the position of SOIT and member companies as leaders on the incentive travel market.

The first step was the strategic changes in the statute regarding membership criteria. The Ethics Committee was established – the new arbitration-consulting body of the Association. SOIT also refreshed its brand by introducing a new logo and visual identity. The image change was accompanied by the launch of a new website.

During the last two years SOIT has continued working on flagship projects, such as Columbus Day and co-organising Meetings Week Poland. In addition, SOIT became a Partner and engaged in the initiative “Industry Dialogue: Good Tender”, which resulted in the Marketing Communication Whitebook, which is a set of good practices and standards of effective cooperation between the Advertiser and the Agency. SOIT is responsible for preparing the tools and practical tips for tenders in the incentive travel category.

The latest completed project is the SOIT Code of Good Practice, which aims to lay down the rules of fair competition and define high ethical standards in business and relationships between employees, employers and customers on the incentive travel market.

The last two years have been very busy, but we managed to fulfil most of our plans. We were an exceptionally consensual Board, which was guided by a common goal. I would like to thank the members of the Management Board – Agnieszka Lewandowska, Łukasz Adamowicz, Cezary Wilemajtys and Krzysztof Pobożniak for the work, effort and time they devoted to the continued development of SOIT, said Sebastian Słoniewski, President of SOIT, summing up the 2016-2017 term.

On 9 January, the General Assembly of Members elected new SOIT Management for the new two-year term. Sebastian Słoniewski, CEO of OBP and Łukasz Adamowicz, Vice-President of BFC Group, remained on the SOIT Board. Joining the Management Board were Joanna Jabłońska (Managing Director, Activezone), Grażyna Grot-Duziak (Member of the Board, Weco Travel) and Agnieszka Słowik (President, Flower Travel). The General Assembly of Members also elected the members of the Ethics Committee and the Audit Committee.

The new Management Board faces challenges, such as coordinating Meetings Week Poland and celebrating the 10th anniversary of SOIT in 2019.

I will try to make our Association even stronger and more recognisable, but also one in which we all feel equal. Thanks to the choices made, we were given a mandate to continue our strategy and to actively change the image of SOIT. We will try to put more emphasis on active PR and Marketing, regulate matters related to the work of tour guides, and open ourselves to the part of the market that meets our criteria, announced Sebastian Słoniewski, President of the Management Board at SOIT.


Management Board 2018-2019

Sebastian Słoniewski – President

Łukasz Adamowicz – Vice-President

Joanna Jabłońska – Vice-President

Grażyna Grot-Duziak – Member of the Board

Agnieszka Słowik – Member of the Board


Ethics Committee 2018-2019

Agata Gościńska

Andrzej Hulewicz

Agnieszka Lewandowska

Olga Krzemińska-Zasadzka

Sylwia Sadoch

Anna Zowczak

Majka Szura


Audit Committee 2018-2019

Krzysztof Pobożniak

Leszek Skibiński

Cezary Wilemajtys

Members of SOIT adopt SOIT Code of Good Practice

Members of Stowarzyszenie Organizatorów Incentive Travel (SOIT) met on 1 September 2017 in Mościcki Resort & Conference hotel in Spała. The meeting was held to sum up this year’s achievements, adopt SOIT Code of Good Practice, and plan actions to be taken in the coming months. There was also time for the industry representatives to take part in team-building activities.

Members of SOIT have worked together to formulate SOIT Code of Good Practice since February 2017. At the stage of drawing up a draft of the Code, professional support and advice was provided by Kotarba i Wspólnicy Law Firm. The Code is to lay down the principles of fair competition and define high ethical standards in business and relationships between employees, employers and customers on the incentive travel market. At the convention in Spała, the General Meeting of Members passed a resolution on the adoption of SOIT Code of Good Practice. The Code is to be followed by all members of SOIT – affiliated agencies as well as their employees and partners.

SOIT Code of Good Practice aims to regulate key areas of work and cooperation in the incentive travel industry. The knowledge we gained thanks to years of experience of our members and cases dealt with by SOIT Ethics Committee shows that disputes between market participants are frequently caused by disregard for basic ethical principles in business, explained Łukasz Adamowicz, Vice-President of SOIT and Vice-President of BFC Group. We want such principles as honesty and integrity, preventing conflicts of interest, fair competition and reliable advertising to be adhered to. Protection of intellectual property, protection of data, and providing employees with training and development opportunities should become the market standard. Members of SOIT took on the commitment to respect these principles and implement them in their companies. We also decided to focus on the education of our customers and employees. I hope that the principles laid down in the Code will be implemented also by the incentive market operators which are not members of SOIT. I believe that the adherence to the Code will be beneficial to all market participants, added Łukasz Adamowicz.

At the General Meeting of Members, the topics of the current situation on the incentive travel market in Poland and the future of the industry in the context of the upcoming changes and a new act on package travels were also discussed. Furthermore, members had an opportunity to expand their knowledge of insurance guarantees for tour operators and other responsibilities of operators in the light of the planned amendments to legislation.

In addition to the core part of the meeting, the agenda also included a team-building programme. The meeting participants visited bunkers in Konewka, a local tourist attraction. Watching together the match played by the Polish national football team was an excellent opportunity for team-building.

Last year in Spała, the General Meeting of SOIT Members adopted the Rules of SOIT Ethics Committee. One year later we met in the same place and adopted the Code – another document important for our Association, but also for the entire market. Our meetings and joint efforts to standardise the incentive industry prove that although we are competitors, we share the same values and are interested in the development of the industry and conducting business in the ethical market environment, said Sebastian Słoniewski, President of SOIT and President of OBP Group to sum up the meeting.

Rebranding of TSO Group

With the beginning of August 2017, the TSO Group will undergo a comprehensive change of image. It changes not just the logo and the visual identity. As a response to the challenges of the changing MICE market, new products will be introduced: BIT -Budget Incentive Travel and BET Budget Events & Teambuilding.

On the Polish MICE market, the TSO brand has been present for more than 22 years. The company decided to refresh its image by redesigning its visual identity and creating a new CI. Following the new web page, communication channels will be expanded. The internal SAY 24 agency was responsible for the project, which prepared a new concept for the visual system.

The well known logo with the famous yellow background was associated mainly with incentive trips and events. Today, the market requires additional activity, and the response is to broaden the portfolio of the TSO Group to the already existing brands : SAY24, already existing in the market for several years (an integrated marketing agency specializing in sales support programs), and, a consulting agency and a bidding portal for MICE industry.

“The design of the agency with green elements is much better reflecting the new nature of the company and with the new light motif for the entire TSO Group „incentive marketing” shows in what direction it has consistently gone for years: TSO – going always up and forward as an arrow in the logo” – summarizes Leszek Skibiński, Chairman of the Board.