Olga Krzemińska-Zasadzka, President of SOIT, CEO of agency Power, PowerSport, DMC Warsaw Poland. A graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics (Finance and Banking) and Kozminski University in Warsaw (Finance and Accounting).
Combines the traveler’s curiosity and courage, passion and perseverance of a sportsman making it ideal match and finding herself in one of the fifth most stressful industry in the world.
Since 1997 she manages agency, which each year is gaining more and more share in the Polish event and incentive industry market. She believes that with hard work you can move mountains. Despite the many hardships, sleepless nights and demanding clients, she would not change here work to any other. Passionate about travel and sport in every issue: ski boards, bikes, kites, diving; she is also a Polish vice-champion in squash. Collets inspirational and motivational quotes to always have the one that she needs at hand.
“Live as if you gonna die tomorrow. Dream as you would live forever – this one is her favourite one.