Katarzyna Szełemej-Pobożniak

SOIT Members

Katarzyna Szełemej-Pobożniak

Director of Incentive Department

A graduate from International Relations at Warsaw Economic School as well as Ethnology at Freie Universitaet in Berlin. Author of the book about ethnic conflicts in Guatemala.

As a licensed tour leader since 1998, she has guided groups in all the continents except for Antarctica.<br> As Director of the incentive travel department, Katarzyna is responsible for the organization of outgoing incentive projects. The incentive travel department has arranged adventures and events in 117 different countries so far.

We are an incentive travel agency with the widest range of experience on the Polish market. For 28 years, we have been advising customers on how to effectively use incentive travels to support sales and motivate partners and employees. For demanding customers from around the world, we organize exciting motivational trips, events and conferences in 120 countries and in Poland. We take advantage of our imagination and experience in order to create the amazing quality of experience. We have implemented projects for medium-sized and large enterprises, and that is why we can say that we understand different company expectations and always remember about the business goals of our customers. We will match the attractions and the nature of a travel or an event with the profile of the group, with the industry, and we will always take the organization culture of a company into account. Customers also entrust us with the communication with the participants – before, during and after the event. We often advise customers on how to build a coherent, long-term incentive travels and motivational trips programme. We know how to grade the attractiveness of the destination, optimize the budgets, build tension and the right atmosphere around an incentive travel or event. We develop our competencies by visiting new places, looking for new attractions, taking part in industry events or acquiring business contacts at fairs in various places around the world. We want our customers to feel the maximum comfort of cooperating with us, that is why we make sure that the customer is involved in the process of programme preparation, is not surprised with anything and receives all information in advance. Our passion for travelling, experience and competencies of the whole team allow us to create travel programmes that the participants will not forget. We are experienced professionals, but we are also passionate about travelling and greatly imaginative. We also organize events, conferences and congresses for foreign companies in Poland (DMC).

Date of foundation: 1991 Main specialization:

  1. Incentive travel
  2. Conferences and events
  3. VIP adventure travel