The Incentive Travel Organisers Association, having awareness of the crucial importance of upholding the highest standards for travel organising, including incentive travel, and meeting the goals contained in the Statute, hereby lays down a set of rules which are followed by its members.
The Incentive Travel Organisers Association is of the opinion that every action of the incentive travel Organiser should be conducted in accordance with basic ethical values. The company’s reputation and confidence in it is one of the core values.
The satisfaction and safety of trip participants are the basic measures of quality.
The principles contained in this Code are universal and apply equally to all incentive travel Organisers, and should be respected and promoted by all.
The common goal of professional incentive travel organisers is to improve the quality of organised travel and promote the highest standards of work.
Stowarzyszenie Organizatorów Incentive Travel, posiadając świadomość kluczowego znaczenia przestrzegania najwyższych standardów związanych z organizacją podróży w tym podróży incentive travel oraz spełniając zawarte w Statucie cele, określa niniejszym zbiór zasad, którymi kierują się jego członkowie.
General rules of conduct in the daily work of the incentive travel Organiser
1. The basic principles applicable to the Organiser are:
2. The incentive travel Organiser works in accordance with the applicable provisions of Polish and local government laws, and on the basis of the required practice certifications.
3. The incentive travel Organiser constantly improves his professional knowledge and increases the qualifications needed to perform their professional duties.
4. The incentive travel Organiser’s professional attitude and conduct reflects well on the profession and the industry, ensures its earnestness and dignity, and sets a good example.
Rules of conduct in relations with other incentive travel Organisers
1. The mutual relations between Organisers should be guided by generally applicable laws, rules of social coexistence and good business customs.
2. Do not intentionally or recklessly formulate false or misleading statements regarding competitors, their companies, or their professional practices.
Unfair competition
1. Fair competition strengthens the incentive travel organisers’ community, and contributes to raising the quality of services provided by everyone.
2. Unfair competition negatively affects the entire industry, its internal and external relations, and as such should be eliminated.
3. Unfair competition manifests itself in particular:
Rules of conduct in relations with customers
1. The incentive travel organiser is obliged to provide the Customer with the highest standard of service.
2. In dealing with potential Customers the Organiser always presents his knowledge in a fair manner, avoiding ambiguity and understatements.
3. The incentive travel Organiser performs his professional activities to the best of his knowledge and will, fairly, with due diligence. Considers and presents the Customer with all circumstances, conditions and situation of the customer, which can affect the course and safety of the organised incentive travel programme.
4. Contracts and agreements concluded with the Customer shall comply with the provisions of the law and respect the principle of equality of economic entities.
5. The organizer ensures the confidentiality of customer data and all information and circumstances of relations with the Customer.
Rules of conduct in relations with Contractors
1. The primary criterion in the selection of Contractors by the incentive travel Organiser is the quality of the services they offer.
2. All contractors cooperating with the Organiser must act in accordance with the applicable provisions of Polish and local government law, and on the basis of required practice certifications.
3. The incentive travel Organiser takes full responsibility for the Contractors with whom they cooperate on behalf of the Customer.
4. Contracts and agreements with Contractors comply with the provisions of the law and respect the principle of equality of economic entities.
5. The incentive travel Organiser always complies with the signed contracts, and agreements with Contractors.
Final provisions
1. In matters not covered by the Code, generally accepted principles of ethics and social coexistence apply.
2. The incentive travel Organisers declare their readiness to settle all disputes arising from their economic activities in an amicable manner. In a case when amicable settlement is not possible, the organisers may settle the matter in court.
3. If the incentive travel Organiser has knowledge of a breach of the Code by another Organiser, he is obliged to inform the Organiser in questions of this fact in written form, along with appropriate justification.
4. If the Organiser having knowledge of a breach of the Code is a member of SOIT or other professional organisation, he is obliged to also inform of this fact the Board of this organisation, which should consider every case of alleged breach of the Code in accordance with the procedures specified in its Statute.